You have opened personal web sites of Ms. Dr. Med. Vilma Partyková, based on her collaboration with pacients, readers of her books and articles, listeners of her lessons and papers, and with Editorial House IMPULS, publishing predominantly her books.
Dr. Vilma Partyková graduated in Faculty of General Medicine of Charles
University in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Then she worked 7 years as
anaesthesiologist in Faculty Clinic “Kralovske Vinohrady” in Prague. This
specialization had been an excellent grounding for her next medical
activities. Over 20 years she worked as practical physician and therapist, and
three years as chief doctor of Policlinic in Czechoslovak Embassy to Moscow.
During her sojourn in Russia she visited post-gradual stage of reflex-therapy
and acupuncture at Medical Faculty of “Lomonosov” University in Moscow. She had
got many professional contacts and with aid of those she became acquainted,
both theoretically and in practise, with non-traditional healing procedures,
such as are contact-less massages, urine therapy, and healing fasting. On web site of dr. Partykova // everybody can read her continuously updated knowledge and actualities about urine therapy, fasting, as well as about wholesome fare and diet at afflict with malign deceases. The above-mentioned questions are explained in the published books of dr. Vilma Partykova, as follows: Urinoterapie očima lékaře , Urinoterapie a nemoci , Hladovění pro zdraví and Vaříme nemocným rakovinou a nejen pro ně |
For contacting Dr. Med. Partyková, or purchasing her books, please, write to Publishing House IMPULS, MUDr. Partyková, P.O.Box 169, 170 04 Prague 74, Czech Republic, or send e-mail: . |
readers since 31.10.2007